
There are 20 terms/abbreviations. You will either write the abbreviation or the term. If the definition is given, you will write the term or abbreviation. If the term is given, you will write the abbreviation.
Example: 72 year-old female patient (72 y/o female pt)
Hint: You will use the following lessons to help:
Use the terms given from the Unit 5 Power point, Unit 3 Lesson 6, Unit 5 Lessons 3, 4, 5, and 6.
The number in parentheses is the minimum amount of terms/abbreviations needed per line.
72-year-old female patient arrived at office complaining of chest pain, rapid heart rate, and shortness of breath (5 terms) - 1 point each

History: coronary artery bypass graft surgery two weeks ago, congestive heart failure, diabetes mellitus, and high blood pressure (4 terms) - 1 point each

Assessment: vital signs stable but has rapid heart rate of 120 beats per minute, blood pressure is 130/75, oxygen level is 99% (5 terms) -0.5 point each

Tests ordered: ultrasound of heart, electrocardiogram, cardiac catheterization (3 terms) -0.5 point each

Rule out: heart muscle disease and blood vessel rupture (2 terms) - 0.5 point each

1 answer

  1. 72 y/o female pt (72-year-old female patient)

  2. CABG (coronary artery bypass graft)

  3. CHF (congestive heart failure)

  4. DM (diabetes mellitus)

  5. HTN (high blood pressure)

  6. VS (vital signs)

  7. HR (heart rate)

  8. BP (blood pressure)

  9. O2 sat (oxygen saturation)

  10. U/S (ultrasound)

  11. ECG (electrocardiogram)

  12. Cath (cardiac catheterization)

  13. R/O (rule out)

  14. cardiomyopathy (heart muscle disease)

  15. vascular rupture (blood vessel rupture)