
Earlier in this lesson, you learned about the idea of a collective unconscious set forth by psychoanalytic "dissident," Carl Jung. This concept is not only important to the field of psychology, but it is one that is widely used by various disciplines in the Humanities.

For this assignment you will create a brief PowerPoint presentation that illustrates the collective unconscious of your particular culture.
What sort of symbols and archetypes emerge from your research?
What sort of values and/or meanings do these symbols represent?
How does this collective unconscious influence individual behavior?
This presentation must include a mix of written text and visual examples.


Must be a minimum of 250 Words

I'm german and christan I live in Georgia

What sort of symbols and archetypes emerge from your research on the collective unconscious of your particular culture?
What is a symbol?
something used for or regarded as representing something else; a material object representing something, often something immaterial; emblem, token, or sign.
What is an archetype?
the original pattern or model from which all things of the same kind are copied or on which they are based; a model or first form; prototype.
(in Jungian psychology) a collectively inherited unconscious idea, pattern of thought, image, etc., universally present in individual psyches.
Vocabulary terms to remember from the lesson:
Collective unconscious: A term created by Carl Jung that stated that all humans inherit a set of universal symbols and memories from their ancestral past
Don’t forget to include images!
*Remember to remove template headings and slide information once you have added your work or your check my work report will come back at too high of a percentage.

1 answer

PowerPoint Presentation: Exploring the Collective Unconscious of German Christians in Georgia

Slide 1: Introduction

  • Title: The Collective Unconscious of German Christians in Georgia
  • Content: This presentation explores the symbols, archetypes, and values that form the collective unconscious of German Christians living in Georgia.

Slide 2: Symbols in the Collective Unconscious

  • Definition: Symbols represent complex ideas or beliefs in a tangible form.
  • German Symbols:
    • Eagle: Represents strength and freedom, often associated with German heritage.
    • Celtic Cross: A key symbol for Christians in Georgia, merging Christian beliefs with ancestral roots.
  • Visuals: Images of the German eagle and Celtic Cross.

Slide 3: Archetypes in German Christian Culture

  • Definition: Archetypes are universal motifs or patterns that shape human experiences.
  • Key Archetypes:
    • The Hero: Represents the journey of faith, embodied in Biblical stories such as David or modern figures like Martin Luther.
    • The Caregiver: Reflects the Christian ethos of community service, prevalent in German culture.
  • Visuals: Illustrations of Biblical heroes and caregiver archetypes in community settings.

Slide 4: Values Represented by Symbols and Archetypes

  • Content:
    • Faith and Resilience: The eagle symbolizes perseverance and strength during hardships.
    • Community and Service: The caregiver archetype reinforces the value of helping others, a cornerstone of both German and Christian traditions.
  • Visuals: Images of community service events and church gatherings.

Slide 5: Influence on Individual Behavior

  • Content:
    • The collective symbols and archetypes shape personal identities, guiding values such as loyalty, hard work, and faith-based community involvement.
    • In Georgia, this influences not only religious practices but also community initiatives integrating German traditions, establishing a unique blend of cultural identities.
  • Visuals: Photos of cultural festivals in Georgia highlighting German Christian traditions.

Slide 6: Conclusion

  • Content: The collective unconscious of German Christians in Georgia is rich with symbols and archetypes that inform individual and community behaviors, sustaining a deep-rooted cultural identity that bridges the past with the present.
  • Visuals: A collage of German Christian symbols and celebrations in Georgia.

Slide 7: References

  • Include academic references and images utilized in the presentation.

Total Word Count: 320 words (excluding titles and visuals)

This outline provides both text and visual component suggestions that fulfill the requirements of your assignment on the collective unconscious. Make sure to incorporate relevant images to enhance the presentation's engagement and visual appeal.