insolation varies temporally and spatially

1 answer

. Temporally, insolation can vary throughout the day and throughout the year. For example, insolation is highest at midday when the sun is directly overhead, and lowest in the early morning and late afternoon. Insolation also varies throughout the year, with higher levels in the summer when the sun is more directly overhead and lower levels in the winter when the sun is lower in the sky.

Spatially, insolation can vary depending on factors such as latitude, altitude, and cloud cover. Insolation is generally higher near the equator and decreases towards the poles. Altitude can also affect insolation, with higher altitudes receiving more intense sunlight due to less atmosphere to scatter and absorb the sunlight. Cloud cover can greatly affect insolation, with cloudy days receiving significantly less sunlight than clear days.

Overall, insolation varies both temporally and spatially, making it an important factor to consider when studying climate and weather patterns.