Declare employeeNames[100] As String
Declare employeeSalaries[100] as float
Declare name as String
Declare salary, totalSalary as float
Declare averageSalary as float
Declare count as integer
Set count = 0;
Set totalSalary =0
Write “Enter employee name. (Enter * to quit.)”
Input name
While name != “*” and count < 100
Set employeeNames [count] = name
Write “Enter salary for “ + name + “.”
Input salary
Set employeeSalaries[count] = salary
totalSalary = totalSalary + salary
Set count = count + 1
End While
Set averageSalary = totalSalary / count
Declare x as integer
Declare rangeMin, rangeMax as float
Set rangeMin = averageSalary - 5
Set rangeMax = averageSalary + 5
Write “The following employees have a salary within $5,000 of the mean salary of “ + averageSalary + “.”
For (x = 0; x < count; x++)
If (employeeSalaries[x] >= rangeMin or employeeSalaries[x] <= rangeMax )
Write employeeNames[x] + “\t” + employeeSalaries[x]
End if
End for
Input a list of employee names and salaries stored in parallel arrays. The sal-aries should be floating point numbers in increments of 100. For example, a salary of $ 36,000 should be input as 36.0 and a salary of $ 85,900 should be input as 85.9. Find the mean ( average) salary and display the names and salaries of employees who earn within a range of $ 5,000 from the mean. In other words, if the mean salary is $ 45,000, all employees who earn between $ 40,000 and $ 50,000 should be displayed.
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