Question 1: The role of Georgia's Executive Branch is to enforce the laws of the state.
Question 2: Georgia's Executive Branch includes the Governor, Lieutenant Governor, and the Cabinet.
Question 3: Georgia's Executive Branch has powers and responsibilities such as executing the state laws, preparing and submitting the state budget to the legislature, and appointing members of various state boards and commissions.
Question 4: One similarity between the executive branches of the federal government and Georgia's state level government is that both branches have the power to veto legislation created by the legislative branch (Congress at the federal level and the Georgia General Assembly at the state level).
Information about the United States Federal (National government):
The US Executive Branch enforces the laws.
The US Executive Branch includes the President, Vice President, and the Cabinet).
The Executive Branch (president) can veto legislation created by Congress
Question 1: What is the role of Georgia’s Executive Branch?(1pt)
Question 2: Who is included in Georgia’s Executive Branch? (1pt)
Question 3: What powers/responsibilities does Georgia’s Executive Branch have?(1pt)
Question 4: How are the executive branches of the federal government and Georgia’s state level government similar? List at least ONE similarity. (1pt)
1 answer