Indicate which methods, activities, sources and educational media will be used when teaching about tennis set . N.B Should support the objectives of the lesson. Teachers activities (including classroom management aspects) Learner’s activities (including the content that supports the lesson objectives. include Havard referencing

1 answer

1. Direct instruction
2. Demonstration
3. Guided practice
4. Feedback and evaluation

1. Warm-up exercises
2. Discussion on the rules and scoring of tennis
3. Demonstration of basic tennis strokes
4. Guided practice of these strokes
5. Game simulation exercises

1. Tennis rule book
2. Video footage of professional tennis matches
3. Tennis instruction books
4. Online resources regarding tennis

Educational media:
1. Videos of successful tennis matches
2. Interactive diagrams illustrating various tennis strokes
3. Tennis simulation games

Teachers activities:
1. Explain and demonstrate the various tennis strokes
2. Monitor and supervise practice sessions
3. Provide feedback and correction to learners
4. Direct the game simulation exercises

Learner's activities:
1. Participate in warm-up exercises
2. Discuss and understand the rules and scoring of tennis
3. Observe and practice basic tennis strokes
4. Engage in game simulation exercises

Tennis Book, A. (2018). The Complete Guide to Tennis. Publisher.
Australian Open TV (2020). Retrieved from
Tennis Instruction Online (2021). Retrieved from