I think you meant "consider the elements' electronegativity (EN).
Look up the EN of each. For example, Cs is about 0.7 (but you need to look it up since my memory of all 118 elements in the periodic table is not all that good) and Cl is about 3,0 The difference is 3.0-0.7 = 2.3. If delta EN is 1.7 (and that number varies depending upon the instructor) the compound is 50-50. Less than 1.7 is covalent. Greater than 1.7 is ionic Generally, if < 1.7 we call it covalent although 1.4 or so actually would be polar covalent. For OF2 we would have F = 4 and O = about 3.5, the difference is 0.5 and that is covalent. I'll leave the others for you.
Indicate what type of compound (ionic or covalent) would be expected from the possible binary combinations of the following elements: O, F, Cs, CI, Na. Consider the elements ' negativity
2 answers
thank you so much!