Are you sure you're being asked about gender?
Here's a section on collective nouns:
And here's one on collective adjectives:
To me, though, all these forms in parentheses are simply plurals. The last one is plural and reflexive.
Indicate the gendr of the bracketed words. I tired them but I am not sure am I right or not. Please look over it and give me suggestion if they are wrong. Thank you!!
(They) told the (children) the (stories) they had heard (themselves).
They - collective
children - collective? dual?
stories - stories
themselves - collective
4 answers
YesYes. The question original is: Indicate the case, person, number and gender of the bracketed words. I only have trouble with indicating the gender.
My other friend with the same assignment put dual for all of them.
In English, none of those has a gender.