Indicate the difference between gender equity and gender eguality in relation to women empowerment

1 answer

Gender equity refers to providing equal opportunities and resources to individuals regardless of their gender, ensuring a level playing field for all. On the other hand, gender equality refers to the belief that men and women should have equal rights and opportunities in all aspects of life, including economic, social, and political.

In relation to women empowerment, gender equity focuses on addressing the existing disparities and barriers that hinder women from achieving their full potential. It aims to create a fair and just society where women have equal access to opportunities and resources.

On the other hand, gender equality goes a step further by advocating for the elimination of gender norms and discrimination that perpetuate inequalities between men and women. It seeks to challenge traditional gender roles and promote equal representation and participation of women in decision-making processes.

Therefore, while both gender equity and gender equality are essential for women empowerment, gender equality emphasizes the broader aim of achieving true equality between men and women in all aspects of society.