Use Google to conduct the following searches:
define secular
define islamic republic
india's government
pakistan's government
Let us know what you decide.
India's government is A secular B an Islamic republic
while Pakistan's government can be described as A secular B an Islamic republic
39 answers
this is bull
give us a actual answer please? and you're right this is bull
India's government is secular, while Pakistan's government can be described as an Islamic republic
I'll post the right answers give me a sec
U done yet?
C'mon it's been hours you have the answers yet?
whats urt social studies teacher name?
1.India's government is secular, while Pakistan's government can be described as an Islamic republic.
2. B
3. C
4. D
5. B
6. B
7. Although Buddhism has many things in common with Hinduism, the Buddha did not believe in many gods.
8. D
9. C
10. B, D
11. B
12. A
13. B
14. A
1. B
3.Many of the achievements of the ancient Indus Valley civilization was due to their advanced knowledge of "mathematics."
4. Gupta
"impressive temples and monuments built
1.India's government is secular, while Pakistan's government can be described as an Islamic republic.
2. B
3. C
4. D
5. B
6. B
7. Although Buddhism has many things in common with Hinduism, the Buddha did not believe in many gods.
8. D
9. C
10. B, D
11. B
12. A
13. B
14. A
1. B
3.Many of the achievements of the ancient Indus Valley civilization was due to their advanced knowledge of "mathematics."
4. Gupta
"impressive temples and monuments built
@random russian girl is %100 correct! <3
thanks for the answers @Random Russian Girl
Your totally so fetch<3
Your totally so fetch<3
random russian girl you are an angel <33
just because her name is "random russian girl" does not mean she is taking part of the "killing" in ukraine. grow up.
really not all Russians are bad idiot
Really? @I hate Putin
Just because she is Russian does NOT mean that she is attacking Ukraine right now.
@Random Russian Girl Thank you so much for the anwsers and god bless you. :)
Just because she is Russian does NOT mean that she is attacking Ukraine right now.
@Random Russian Girl Thank you so much for the anwsers and god bless you. :)
big bro konohomoru
helo pwepeo anes I needs thea awnsers I have 32 missing assesmesnts and and I have a dropdown box thingy and like where are the answers with the dropdown box? thnx UwU
also is anyone here good at math.?
nvm lol she has the correct answers UwU also dows anyone remember how to devide I forgot XD UwU
bruh weird asf
just talk normally some of yall and stop being racist Nah fr
just talk normally some of yall and stop being racist Nah fr
Hi @random Russian girl I know that comment might have hurt from someone that is not mentally ok don't lessen to them they are just jealous that they couldn't get the answer like you could and you are always going to be perfect no matter what. I hope I made your day and also the your always going to be perfect part go's to everyone
yall are quite weird istg and racist like just cause her user is random Russian girl doesn't mean she is partaking in hurting Ukraine smh anyway thanks for the answers <3
guys Russia is not attacking. Putin is. I'm Russian too and I stand by Ukraine and so does everyone else who's Russian, I know!! Don't use this to cheat please only check answers and remember it's a pretest that doesn't go to your grade!
Thnx Random Russian girl you are a STAR for helping people ans i <3 your nameee
Thank you so much !
@ I hate Putin,
First of all, saying you hate somebody is not nice AT ALL! You might have hurt @Random Russian girl's feelings! Just because she's Russian does not mean she's bad! Just like how just because I'm half Japanese does not mean I caused Covid 19! You really need to get a life and stop being a mean racist!
Anyway, @Random Russian girl, Tsym! I'm so sorry for @I hate Putin's comment. I know how you feel. Just ignore that meany and keep being the best you can be! BELIVE IT!!
First of all, saying you hate somebody is not nice AT ALL! You might have hurt @Random Russian girl's feelings! Just because she's Russian does not mean she's bad! Just like how just because I'm half Japanese does not mean I caused Covid 19! You really need to get a life and stop being a mean racist!
Anyway, @Random Russian girl, Tsym! I'm so sorry for @I hate Putin's comment. I know how you feel. Just ignore that meany and keep being the best you can be! BELIVE IT!!
@Naruko Uzumaki I agree I was reading your comment- and I didn't see your name and right after you put "believe it" and looked at your name I started laughing- cause you know.. the words that naruto always says believe it!
Fr tho @ihatePutin was pretty mean and he/she/nonbinary, shouldn't have made such a rude comment.
Never judge a person if u never even got to know them. Also, I wouldn't say it's racist tho- I feel like being racist is if you be rude to people's culture, all @ihatePutin did was made @randomrussiangirl probably made her feel like just bc she is Russian she's just like the people that are bad in Russia- it's literary just random ppl in Russian that do bad things and that somehow affects her? I'm confused.
like it's just a random human beings that just makes bad choices and since she's Russian and like them, that affects her too? like what?? :\
Just bc a few ppl do it doesn't mean the whole freaking country does it-
Never judge a person if u never even got to know them. Also, I wouldn't say it's racist tho- I feel like being racist is if you be rude to people's culture, all @ihatePutin did was made @randomrussiangirl probably made her feel like just bc she is Russian she's just like the people that are bad in Russia- it's literary just random ppl in Russian that do bad things and that somehow affects her? I'm confused.
like it's just a random human beings that just makes bad choices and since she's Russian and like them, that affects her too? like what?? :\
Just bc a few ppl do it doesn't mean the whole freaking country does it-
Lol thnx I try coping Naruto alot cuz I'm a huge Naruto Uzumaki fangirl and i simp on him 100% btw I'm the girl ver. of him. Also, I agree with what you are saying. What @I Hate Putin did is very confusing... even I don't know how to react. I just wanted to make @RandomRussianGirl feel better... I know how it feels to be acussed of something that has nothing to do with you. alot of ppl hate me cuz I'm half asian and the accuse me for starting covid. all though, I'm not Chinese! I'm half Japanese! There's a difference ya know?
random russian girl
is correct for connexus students
is correct for connexus students
Random Russian Girl is 100% correct. I got 14/14 ty
i am vary sry if this may hurt your feelings but you cant call somebody trying to help you bull, also since you just want all of the answers in your hands, you can atleast be nice to all of the TUTORS getting out of THEIR way to help people like you that are just spoiled and they have to deal with it!!! not cool i really hope you can learn how to be nice!!!!!!
True like just shut up with your rascist as