1. correct
2. incorrect; the clause beginning with "although" is a dependent clause.
3. correct
4. correct
Let me know what you think about #2.
Indentify each sentence as simple, compound, complex, or compound-complex.
Could you tell me if my answers are correct please?
1. In 1942, the United States Navy sank four Japanese aircraft carriers; moreover, the United States Army Air Force joined Britain in a bombing campaign. Compound.
2. Although Roosevelt’s health was failing, he ran for president a fourth time in 1944, and he won. Compound
3. Everything was going well for the country; however, President Roosevelt died suddenly on April 12, 1945. Compound.
4. World War II, which was the United States had played a big part in wining, finally ended in September 2, 1945; consequently, the United States emerged as a leading world power. Compound-complex.
2 answers
I think that #2 is a compound-complex.