She walks into the room and sees her friend. ROOM (CL: 1-CL open space) FRIEND SHE SEE (NMM: head tilt, eyebrows raised)
Her friend smiles and waves hello. SMILE WAVE HI (NMM: smile, hand movement)
She sits down next to her friend and starts talking. SIT NEXT-TO FRIEND (NMM: head nod, eye contact) TALK (NMM: mouth moving, eye brows)
They chat for a while, laughing and sharing stories. CHAT (NMM: laugh, hand gestures) SHARE STORY (NMM: hand movements, eye gaze)
Suddenly, the room gets quiet and they both look around. ROOM QUIET (NMM: finger to lips) LOOK-AROUND (NMM: eyes wide, head turning)
Her friend notices something strange and points it out. FRIEND NOTICE STRANGE (NMM: hand pointing, eyebrow raise) POINT OUT (NMM: hand gesture)
They both laugh and continue talking, enjoying each other's company. LAUGH (NMM: smile, chuckle) CONTINUE TALK (NMM: hand movements, eye contact) ENJOY (NMM: head nod, smile)
Include a Standard English version and a gloss version of your story, including at least 10 non-manual markers (NMMs) in your story. Please refer to the example below. He looks up and is surprised. LOOK UP (CL: V –Up) (NMM: eyebrows up and surprised) The goat walks to the well and asks “What’re you doing?” GOAT WALKS (CL: bent-2) WELL ASKS DO WHAT? (NMM: WH? - eyebrows furrowed)
1 answer