In your opinion, how important is it to save the world's frogs from becoming extinct due to Bd?
a. I think saving frogs from Bd is an extremely important task. Frogs occupy a key position in the world's wetland ecosystems. Frogs help to keep insect populations in control. Moreover, what happens to frogs could eventually happen to us. b. Saving the world's frogs from this disease is important, but I don't think we should exaggerate the issue. If all of the frogs in the world were to disappear tomorrow, life would still go on. c. I think saving the world's frogs is a minor issue. If we can spare the resources to do it, then fine, but otherwise, there are more important issues in the world to be concerned with. d. I don't think saving the world's frogs should be an important issue. The dinosaurs all went extinct 66 million years ago, which was a catastrophe for them, but fortunate for the mammals, including us. Let Mother Nature do her work. e. I am worried that scientists may not have sufficiently studied what using the decontaminant to sterilize the frogs' environment might do. Perhaps there are underlying or unexpected consequences. Sure, we may save frogs…but what new problem might be unleashed? f. I'm unsure. I need more information before making an informed decision on this matter.
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