In which set is a biotic factor paired with an abiotic factor? *

A producers and sunlight
B decomposers and plants
C herbivores and carnivores
D temperature and humidity
Which list contains only abiotic factors? *
A water temperature, amount of sunlight, and soil type
B density of predators, water depth, and types of parasites
C precipitation amount, number of prey species, and plant types
D variety of food sources, annual precipitation, and number of decomposers
Trout are found in rapidly flowing streams that have high levels of oxygen, stony bottoms, and an abundance of aquatic insects. These streams represent a trout’s ______________. *
A niche
B biome
C habitat
D community
Predators often feed on weak or sick animals in an ecosystem. The role of the predator is described as its *
A community
B habitat
C niche
D population
Many plants that grow in tropical rain forests have specialized roots that anchor them to the branches and trunks of trees. They do not harm the trees. These plants get food and water from various sources, including the air and dead organic matter found on the trees.One example of these plants found in tropical rain forests is the bromeliad. Its leaves form a cup-like structure that is able to hold water. This water provides a feeding and breeding area for many insects and frogs. Snakes and lizards also come to these plants in search of food and water. A cross-section showing the inside of a bromeliad is shown below. Which of these types of organisms break down dead organic matter in the rain forest? *
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A producers
B predators
C herbivores
D decomposers
Many plants that grow in tropical rain forests have specialized roots that anchor them to the branches and trunks of trees. They do not harm the trees. These plants get food and water from various sources, including the air and dead organic matter found on the trees.One example of these plants found in tropical rain forests is the bromeliad. Its leaves form a cup-like structure that is able to hold water. This water provides a feeding and breeding area for many insects and frogs. Snakes and lizards also come to these plants in search of food and water. A cross-section showing the inside of a bromeliad is shown below. Which of these terms best describes the wide variety of plant and animal species in the rainforest? *
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A niche
B biodiversity
C commensalism
D mutualism

Many plants that grow in tropical rain forests have specialized roots that anchor them to the branches and trunks of trees. They do not harm the trees. These plants get food and water from various sources, including the air and dead organic matter found on the trees.One example of these plants found in tropical rain forests is the bromeliad. Its leaves form a cup-like structure that is able to hold water. This water provides a feeding and breeding area for many insects and frogs. Snakes and lizards also come to these plants in search of food and water. A cross-section showing the inside of a bromeliad is shown below. Snakes and lizards come to the bromeliads to feed on frogs and their eggs. The relationship between the snakes, lizards, and frogs can best be described as *
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A mutualism
B parasite—host
C predator—prey
D commensalism
Food webs show feeding relationships among different types of organisms. Those organisms each have a specific niche. Which of the following best describes a function of decomposers in food webs? *
A to recycle nutrients into soil
B to convert solar energy into food
C to provide food for secondary consumers
D to compete with secondary consumers for oxygen
Members of the same species found in an ecosystem are called a — *
A family.
B population.
C niche.
D community.
All of the populations of species in an area makeup a — *
A region
B niche
C family
D community
Which is similar between autotrophs and heterotrophs? *
A Both need to obtain energy.
B Both need to produce glucose.
C Both use the same method of absorbing water.
D Both occupy the same position in a food chain.
Which process is found only in autotrophs? *
A glycolysis
B photosynthesis
C citric acid cycle
D cellular respiration
Organisms that make up the first level of a food chain and produce their own food are classified as *
A predators
B autotrophs
C heterotrophs
D decomposers
A student sets up a compost bin outdoors. Inside the bin microorganisms convert the student’s vegetable and paper scraps into rich fertilizer.Which of the following best describes the role that these microorganisms play in natural habitats? *
A The microorganisms help balance the numbers of producers and consumers.
B The microorganisms help keep nutrients cycling through the ecosystem.
C The microorganisms turn solar energy into sugars.
D The microorganisms function as autotrophs.
The diagram below represents a food web. Which species would most likely be a decomposer? *
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An energy pyramid is shown below.What is the role of the fern in the energy pyramid? *
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A producer
B herbivore
C carnivore
D decomposer
This diagram represents a food web.What is the role of the owl in the food web? *
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A consumer
B decomposer
C herbivore
D producer
This diagram shows a food chain.Which term describes the role of the corn in this food chain? *
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A carnivore
B consumer
C herbivore
D producer
Centipedes are important organisms in temperate forest ecosystems. They live under decaying materials and hunt for small insects at night. What is most likely the role of the centipede in the temperate forest ecosystem? *
A Decomposer
B Herbivore
C Predator
D Producer
A hurricane sweeps across a small Caribbean island, killing 50 percent of the herbivore species on the island. Which of the following is the most immediate result? *
A a reduction in biodiversity
B an acceleration of the carbon cycle
C an increase in predator populations
D a decline in decomposer populations
Which statement describes the role of the caterpillar in this food chain? *
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A It is a carnivore, because it consumes the frog.
B It is a producer, because it uses the sun for energy.
C It is a herbivore, because it eats the flower for energy.
D It is an omnivore, because it consumes the flower and frog.
Which of these describes the role of the vole in the Yellowstone ecosystem? *
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A decomposer
B producer
C herbivore
D carnivore
Which of these best defines the term pollutant? *
A anything humans add to the atmosphere and oceans
B any substance that is harmful to the environment
C any substance that is a waste product of industry
D a substance that does not break down over time
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A Acid rain fell from December 4 to December 10.
B Smoke caused more deaths than sulfur dioxide.
C Sulfur dioxide remains in the air longer than smoke.
D Air pollution peaked between December 7 and December 8
Why is fishing for some kinds of ocean fish controlled by laws? *
A Laws are needed to limit the growth of fish populations.
B People who fish need to know where the fish are.
C Kinds of fish that are overfished could become extinct.
D Laws prevent people who fish from polluting the ocean.

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