In which form of reproduction will pieces of the parent develop into identical copies of the parent? (1 point)
vegetative reproduction
vegetative reproduction
binary fission
binary fission
7 answers
Many fungi, algae and some plants reproduce asexually by producing a reproductive cell. Which process describes this type of asexual reproduction?(1 point)
binary fission
binary fission
creating spores
creating spores
binary fission
binary fission
creating spores
creating spores
creating spores
Which process would lead to offspring with the exact same genetic information as the parent? (1 point)
A bacterium splitting in two.
A bacterium splitting in two.
A bird laying an egg.
A bird laying an egg.
A plant growing from a seed.
A plant growing from a seed.
A tree growing from the stump of another tree
A bacterium splitting in two.
A bacterium splitting in two.
A bird laying an egg.
A bird laying an egg.
A plant growing from a seed.
A plant growing from a seed.
A tree growing from the stump of another tree
A bacterium splitting in two.
Some flatworms reproduce through fragmentation. What is a disadvantage of this method? (1 point)
It is a process that does not result in many offspring relative to sexual reproduction.
It is a process that does not result in many offspring relative to sexual reproduction.
It is a much more complex process than sexual reproduction.
It is a much more complex process than sexual reproduction.
It is a very slow process relative to sexual reproduction.
It is a very slow process relative to sexual reproduction.
It is a process that leads to lower genetic diversity than sexual reproduction.
It is a process that leads to lower genetic diversity than sexual reproduction.
It is a process that does not result in many offspring relative to sexual reproduction.
It is a process that does not result in many offspring relative to sexual reproduction.
It is a much more complex process than sexual reproduction.
It is a much more complex process than sexual reproduction.
It is a very slow process relative to sexual reproduction.
It is a very slow process relative to sexual reproduction.
It is a process that leads to lower genetic diversity than sexual reproduction.
It is a process that leads to lower genetic diversity than sexual reproduction.
It is a process that leads to lower genetic diversity than sexual reproduction.