in visual basic they tell me use comma "delimited strings"(something with exactly two comm mas, such as "20,45,2003" or "hi,,there") and pull out three pieces of the string apart(using commas as delimiters that separate each of the three parts) and also tells me to display this in three different picture boxes. they tell us that the processing should happen in a click of a button...

i don't get how to use comma delimited and when i youtbed it nothing helped me....
can you please help me to this question.

1 answer

All "comma delimited strings" means is that there is a single string made up of three tokens (or words). These tokens are separated by commas, in the same way that our words in English are separated by spaces.

"20,45,2003" should split into three tokens, namely 20, 45 and 2003, while
"hi,,there" would be split into hi, "", and there. The middle token is empty since there is nothing between the two commas or delimiters.

To separate the given string into separate tokens you can use the VB function split(expression, delimeter) which returns an array of tokens.
Expression would be "hi,,there", delimeter would be ",".

What is not clear to me is that the questions wants you to display the tokens (words) in the picture boxes, or each token represents a file name from which you would slap the images onto the picture boxes?

Do you have the actual string you are supposed to use?

Give it a try and post what you have and tell us where you have difficulties, if any.