In three to five sentences, describe the role of women in movements to improve social and economic conditions, and explain the successes they had.(4 points)

17 answers

No one will write your assignment for you, but if you post what you write, someone MAY check it over for you.
describe the role of women in movements to improve social and economic conditions, and explain the successes they had
what is it
I don’t know I failed
are you trying to cheat on a teast?
Well, some women are famous models or basketball players and firefighters. Do something with that information write about it or something if you want.
I'll gladly check it over for u but not give you the answer just like that, thats not how life works.
You got to try that's what i did
thank you, person, of the world
Just rewrite this, I got 4/4 points, and I wrote it as well: The role for women in the Nineteenth Amendment was to fight for the right to vote. Another role for women was that in the temperance movement, they stop people from drinking and selling alcohol. The successes they did was that they banned sale and consumption of alcohol. Another success women had accomplished was making groups to help other women (black or white) to meet the requirement to vote.
help i don'tnow this ether
dude i have a test and i need this answer...