In three to five sentences,

construct an argument for
the claim that natural
selection leads to evolution.
Provide evidence for this
claim, and be sure to
explain how an organism
shows the four parts of the
process of natural selection.
You may use any organism
with the exception of
bacteria and antibiotic
resistance. (4 points)

1 answer

Natural selection leads to evolution because it is the main mechanism by which organisms evolve over time. An example organism to illustrate this is the peppered moth (Biston betularia), which demonstrated the four parts of natural selection. Firstly, variation exists in the coloration of the moths, with some being light-colored and others dark. Secondly, there is a selective pressure as the environment changes due to industrialization, where dark-colored moths became advantageous against pollution-darkened trees. Thirdly, the dark-colored moths had a higher fitness as they were more likely to survive and reproduce compared to light-colored moths. Lastly, this resulted in the increase in frequency of the dark-colored moths over generations, illustrating the process of natural selection leading to evolution.