The Big Bang Theory says that a long time ago, about 13.8 billion years ago, the universe started from a tiny, very hot point and then exploded outward. This explosion caused all the stars, planets, and galaxies to form. As time passed, the universe kept expanding and cooling down, allowing different things, like the Earth and our Sun, to form. So, the Big Bang is like the beginning of everything we see in the universe today!
In three to five sentences, briefly describe how the big bang theory explains the origin and evolution of the universe. But please put it in 6th grader words please. :D
7 answers
The Big Bang Theory is supported by several pieces of evidence, including the discovery of cosmic microwave background radiation, which is like a faint glow left over from the early universe, and the observation that galaxies are moving away from us, suggesting the universe is expanding. Additionally, the presence of light elements, like hydrogen and helium, matches predictions from the Big Bang model of how they formed. In contrast, the Steady State Theory, which suggests that the universe has no beginning or end and constantly creates new matter, is less supported today because it can't explain the observed evidence of an expanding universe and the cosmic microwave background. Overall, the Big Bang Theory has much stronger evidence supporting it compared to the Steady State Theory.
The Big Bang Theory has strong evidence that supports it. For example, scientists found cosmic microwave background radiation, which is like a faint glow left over from the early universe. They also noticed that galaxies are moving away from us, showing that the universe is expanding. On the other hand, the Steady State Theory, which says the universe has always existed and creates new stuff all the time, doesn't have as much support. It doesn't explain the things we see, like the expanding universe and the glow left from the Big Bang, so most scientists believe in the Big Bang Theory more.
An astronomer discovers a new galaxy using a telescope. The astronomer wants to investigate how the galaxy is moving relative to the Milky Way galaxy.
In one or two sentences, make a hypothesis about the movement of the galaxy and explain at least one way to test the hypothesis.
Also In 6th grader words please
I think the new galaxy is moving away from the Milky Way galaxy, just like most other galaxies we see. To test this, we can look at the light from the new galaxy and see if it is redshifted, which means that the light waves are longer and the galaxy is moving away from us.