In three sentences summarize how the Big Bang theory explains the origin and evolution of the universe.

3 answers

The Big Bang theory posits that the universe began approximately 13.8 billion years ago from an extremely hot and dense state, rapidly expanding and cooling over time. This expansion allowed matter to form into simple elements like hydrogen and helium, eventually leading to the creation of stars, galaxies, and other cosmic structures. As the universe continues to expand, it evolves and cools, giving rise to the complex and diverse cosmos we observe today.

in 3 sentences form a better idea with scientific evidence supporting the Steady State and Big Bang theories.

The Big Bang theory is supported by several key pieces of evidence, including the observed cosmic microwave background radiation, which is the faint afterglow from the initial explosion, and the abundance of light elements, such as hydrogen and helium, that aligns with predictions of nuclear synthesis in the early universe. Conversely, the Steady State theory, which posits that the universe has always existed in a constant state with continuous creation of new matter, was challenged by the discovery of galactic evolution and the redshift of distant galaxies indicating the universe is expanding. Ultimately, the overwhelming observational evidence, such as the uniformity of the cosmic microwave background and the large-scale structure of the universe, favors the Big Bang theory over the Steady State model.