In this section, you will examine the sources of revenue at the state and local levels for Georgia to pay for various government services. Misuse of public funding is often tempting to local representatives and a common problem in our governmental system. It is important that purchases and projects undertaken by the government fall under one of the 16 governmental services mapped out in the Constitution. There are many sources of funding for government services.

You need to complete the graphic organizer below. You will list 7, briefly describe, and include a specific example source of revenue for each category.
Identify a possible source of revenue that would most likely be appropriate to provide the funding for your issue of concern. You justify why you believe this would be an appropriate source of revenue for your issue.

1 answer

Category: Taxes

1. Sales Tax - A tax imposed on the sale of goods and services. Example: Sales tax on clothing purchases.
2. Income Tax - A tax levied on individual or corporate income. Example: State income tax on residents' earnings.
3. Property Tax - A tax on the value of real estate properties. Example: Property tax on homeowners' properties.
4. Excise Tax - A tax on specific goods like alcohol, tobacco, or gasoline. Example: Excise tax on gasoline purchases.
5. Severance Tax - A tax on the extraction of natural resources. Example: Severance tax on oil drilling.
6. Inheritance Tax - A tax imposed on the transfer of wealth from a deceased person to their heirs. Example: Inheritance tax on large estates.
7. Corporate Tax - A tax on the profits earned by corporations. Example: Corporate tax on a company's annual earnings.

Issue of Concern: Education funding

Possible Source of Revenue: Property Tax

Justification: Property tax would be an appropriate source of revenue for funding education as it aligns with the principle of using local resources to support local needs. Property taxes are levied on homeowners' properties, and the revenue generated can be allocated towards funding education initiatives such as school construction, teacher salaries, and resources for students. Since education is an essential government service outlined in the Constitution, using property tax revenue specifically for education funding would be a justified and appropriate source.