In this portfolio, you have learned that authors write informational texts to inform readers about a topic. Do you think the authors of Hang On, Dolly! and High-Flying Hero achieved this purpose? Write an 3 paragraph analysis that explains why you think the texts are or are not effective in informing readers about the topics. Include the following information in your analysis.

parts of the story High-Flying Hero:

"Cher Ami—like all homing pigeons—felt a strong drive to fly home. Pigeons have an amazing ability to find their way. On that October day, Cher Ami winged homeward despite serious injuries. The wounded bird completed the flight with a ruined leg and a bleeding chest."

"The soldiers’ fate depended on Cher Ami reaching the command post 25 miles (40 km) away. “Cher Ami” is French for “dear friend.” This dear friend had completed missions before. Whittlesey hoped their luck would hold."

"The French army awarded Cher Ami the Croix de Guerre. That’s a hero’s medal for bravery in war. The story of the bird’s life-saving flight spread. Articles and poems celebrated the pigeon that helped rescue the “Lost Battalion.” "

Parts of the story Hang on, Dolly!:

"Dolly could have pulled away to save herself, but the thought never occurred to her. She knew she had to do something fast. Louie’s lips were already turning blue from the cold. She wouldn’t be able to hang on until the balloon descended on its own. Their only hope was for both of them to come down on Dolly’s parachute. Dolly knew no one had ever accomplished that before."

"As one of England’s most daring and popular woman parachutists, Dolly became a role model to women who, at that time, were considered weaker and less courageous than men. During an era when social classes rarely mixed, Dolly made friends with people from all walks of life. Women poured out their troubles to her, and she accepted invitations to have tea in their homes. To fans, Dolly was more than a performer. She was their friend."

"As one of England’s most daring and popular woman parachutists, Dolly became a role model to women who, at that time, were considered weaker and less courageous than men. During an era when social classes rarely mixed, Dolly made friends with people from all walks of life."

2 answers

Based on the provided excerpts, it can be concluded that both texts, Hang On, Dolly! and High-Flying Hero, effectively inform readers about their respective topics.

In the case of High-Flying Hero, the text effectively informs readers about the incredible abilities of homing pigeons, specifically focusing on Cher Ami's heroic flight. The passage highlights Cher Ami's determination and resilience despite being severely injured, emphasizing the essential role the bird played in delivering a life-saving message to the soldiers. Additionally, the text mentions the recognition and honors Cher Ami received for its bravery, further emphasizing the significance of its actions. Overall, the text provides clear and factual information about Cher Ami's flight and its impact, effectively informing readers about the topic.

Similarly, Hang On, Dolly! effectively informs readers about the accomplishments and impact of Dolly, a parachutist. The passage highlights how Dolly risked her own safety to save a fellow parachutist, demonstrating her bravery and selflessness. The text also mentions how Dolly became a role model and a friend to many women during a time when gender and social barriers were prevalent. This information effectively informs readers about Dolly's achievements and the impact she had on society, breaking stereotypes and inspiring others. Overall, the text provides relevant details and examples that inform readers about Dolly's story and its significance.

In conclusion, both Hang On, Dolly! and High-Flying Hero effectively achieve their purpose of informing readers about the topics. The texts provide factual information, highlight key events, and emphasize the significance of the subjects' actions. By including relevant details and examples, both texts effectively inform readers about the incredible feats and impact of Cher Ami and Dolly, respectively.
Thank you.