In this discussion, you'll reflect on the reading strategies you used while reading this lesson's poems (and which are useful for poetry in general). More specifically, you'll think about the process by which you select a reading strategy to help you comprehend poetry.

Let's examine one of your classmate's posts.

The reading strategy I use changes from poem to poem, but one thing I've found that's easy for me to do is making text-to-self connections. I think that's because the speakers of poems aren't often named, so it's easy to step into their shoes and imagine myself as the speaker.

What are some strategies you use when reading poetry?
What do you look for in poems to increase your comprehension? Post a reply to two of your classmates' strategies.
Use the discussion rubric to understand how you will be graded.

Make it shorter and make them into small sentences, Remember please make sure to make it look like a 6th grader wrote this!!

1 answer

When I read poetry, I also use different strategies depending on the poem. One of my favorites is making text-to-self connections too. It helps me feel what the speaker is feeling.

Another strategy I use is looking for imagery. I pay attention to descriptive words that create pictures in my mind. This makes it easier to understand the poem.

I also like to read poems more than once. Sometimes I catch details I missed the first time. This helps me dive deeper into the meaning.

To my classmates:

I really like your idea of stepping into the speaker's shoes! It makes poetry more personal and relatable.

I think it's cool that you focus on imagery. It really does help to picture what the poem is describing! Great strategies!