In this activity, you will write your own a Java program that makes use of inheritance to develop derived classes from a base class.

Using any application of your choice, write a Java program for a business that collects and sells antiques. In your program:
Create a class named ItemSold with three fields for an invoice number, a description and a price Get and set methods for each field;
Create a subclass named LampSold that descends from ItemSold and includes Boolean fields that indicate the condition and age of an antique item. Include the necessary get and set methods;
Write an application that creates 2 objects of each class and demonstrate that all the methods work correctly.
Save your program, compile and run it until it is working correctly.
Save a screenshot of the output using your student number in the file name.
Return to this screen and click the link above the red arrow to open the Blog tool.
Create a new entry and:
Type Inheritance in the Title field;
Attach your screenshot;
Briefly describe what aspect(s) of this activity you found difficult.

1 answer

I found it difficult to understand the concept of inheritance and how to properly implement it in my Java program.