In the story "Seventh Grade,” how do Victor’s hopes and expectations about Teresa at the beginning of the school day compare with his hopes and expectations about Teresa at the end of the school day?

8 answers

No one here will write your assignment for you. However, if you post what you write (no rough drafts, please), someone may be able to critique your thinking and writing for you.
In seventh grade victors connection to teresa strengthened as he now knows her more and she knows him more
Answers for the entire test:
1) a
2) a
3) b
4) d
5) d
6) b
7) b
8) c
9) c
10) a
11) b
12) a
13) c
14) d
15) d
16) c
17) c
18) b
this got me 100%! hope this helps <3
Bobaoqq u r right exept for 16 15 and 5
Bobaoqq is 100%
Victor truly wanted to date Teresa, but he didn't know how to ask her.

Solution :
He make a way to get Teresa's attention