192,031 / 3.2 = 1% of the population
60,009.6875*100=total population
=6,000,969 people in Indiana
In the state of Indiana, 192,031 people claim not to speak English very well. If this is 3.2% of the population of Indiana residents aged 5 years and older, estimate the population of Indiana residents aged 5 years and older. (round to the nearest person)
2 answers
If 30.6 out of every 100 pregnant women in Indiana
deliver their babies by C-Section, how many pregnan
t women
out of 83,900 would be expected to deliver by C-Section? (round to the nearest woman)
deliver their babies by C-Section, how many pregnan
t women
out of 83,900 would be expected to deliver by C-Section? (round to the nearest woman)