In the second paragraph the author writes "Of all the things for which Jamie held a soft spot in her heart, the tree house was perhaps the dearest". What does the phrase "soft spot" mean in this sentence?

My Answer - the part that is soft....

ok im having trouble in this question

please help me

3 answers

I think it just means she had a close relationship with the tree house. Like parents often have a soft spot or close relationship with their children. I don't know what story you're talking about, but basically I'm guessing the Tree house was like a get away spot for her. When she was feeling sad or lonely, she could go to the tree house and her troubles would all go away. I could be off, but I hope I helped somewhat :)
The title of the story is the tree house on wildwood.

Thank You Jack, now I understand. I'm going to include that for my answer.

thanks again
you're welcome!