In the red cabbage lab, we just took the cabbage juice and in 5 separate cups mixed it with 5 different liquids, ex: coke, milk, cleaning agent, etc, and matched the color to a ph chart to tell if it was a base or an acid. Simple lab. The question needs a relatively simple explanation of what chemical changes occurred to turn the juice to a different color. I know it has something to do with the hydrogen ions and maybe the dissociation of the electrons, but I am not really sure how or why.

2 answers

You're asking the same question and apparently not doing much work of your own. Yes, it is a simple lab. No, it isn't a simpler answer. I searched Google, which you could do too, and finally came up with this equation. Red cabbage has a flavenoid in it. The particular flavenoid red cabbage has is an anthrocyanin. When an acid or base is added to this particular anthrocyanin, it changes color due to a conjugated system and the color ranges from purple to yellow to green. Here is the chemical equation for the various colors. I tried to copy and paste the equations but couldn't do it. You can do to this site and see the equations. You can also see that it isn't a simple explanation. Scroll down about 3/4 of the page to see the equations. After that I've listed another site that shows the various colors. You probably used something like that in your lab.

For the color chart scroll the next site about 3/4 down the page.

You can see it isn't such a simple answer. You can take these complicated equations and simplify them by saying that the chemical in red cabbage leaves adds or removes H when mixed with acids or bases which changes the chemical structure to produce different colors shown on the color chart.
Thanks for your help. I did google for 3 hours before I came here. You asked me to specify the lab I was doing so I did. Thank you again.