in the notre dame de paris song, what did phoebus say and to whom

1 answer

In the song "Le Temps des Cathédrales" from Notre Dame de Paris, Phoebus (Captain Phoebus de Châteaupers) sings the following lines:

"Écoutez ces cris sourds, c'est Paris qui se lève,
Et déjà l'on entend dans Notre-Dame sonner le glas.
Phoebus est venu pour vous libérer
Vous offrir la lumière, l'amour et la bonté."

Translation: "Listen to these muffled cries, it's Paris rising,
And already you can hear the death knell ringing in Notre Dame.
Phoebus has come to liberate you,
To offer you light, love, and goodness."

He sings these lines to the people of Paris, conveying his intentions to bring freedom, light, love, and goodness to them.