In "The Masque of the Red Death," the seven rooms in Prince Prospero's palace represent the stages of life. Each room is a different color, starting with blue and ending with black, symbolizing how life moves toward death. The black room is especially important because it has red windows that show the danger of the Red Death. Prospero and his guests think they can escape the disease by locking themselves inside the palace, but this really shows how people often try to avoid facing death. The big clock in the black room serves as a reminder that time is running out and that everyone must eventually confront death, no matter how hard they try to hide from it.
In "The Masque of the Red Death," the seven rooms in Prospero's palace symbolize the stages of life. Each room is a different color, starting with blue and ending with black, which represents life moving towards death. The black room, with its red windows, is especially important because it shows the danger of the Red Death. Prospero and his guests try to hide from the disease by locking themselves inside, but this symbolizes the way people often try to escape death. The clock in the black room serves as a reminder that time is running out and that everyone must eventually face death, no matter how hard they try to avoid it.
make this sound more 8th grader
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