In the manual calculation, three integrative functions were calculated employing the formula ∫_POI^POI▒〖top function-bottom function〗×dx. .Polynomial (cubic) and Exponential both equations were integrated with same condition of domain (0.97≤x≤1.24), where point of intersection of two functions. After subbing in the domain, the top and bottom was minus resulted to the area of that particular functions. Same process was followed for exponential after finding out the area of the function then the function above which is cubic and minus exponential bottom function lead to final value of area between curves=0.63m^2 rounded to 2 decimal points.

rate tyhis out of 10 and give me 10/10 version

1 answer

I would rate this explanation a 5 out of 10. While it provides some information about the integration process and the calculations involved, it is difficult to understand and lacks clarity. The use of shorthand notations and lack of proper explanation make it challenging for someone unfamiliar with the topic to follow. Additionally, there are some grammatical errors which further affect the understanding of the explanation.

A 10/10 version would provide a clearer and more concise explanation, using proper notation and grammar. It would also include a step-by-step breakdown of the integration process and a clear explanation of how the final value of 0.63m^2 was obtained.