so, have you at least made a selection?
Read any of them?
In "The Literature of the Americas," Kimberly Koza writes: "By discovering the literature of
our neighbors, we may also learn about ourselves."
Choose a selection from this unit
"Aztec Creation Story"
"Letter from Birmingham Jail" by Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.
"The Gettysburg Address" by President Abraham Lincoln
"At the Tourist Centre in Boston" by Margaret Atwood
"Day of the Butterfly" by Alice Munro
"No Dogs Bark" by Juan Rulf
"Two Bodies" by Octavio Paz
"Crossroads: A Sad Vaudeville" by Carlos Solórzano
In one well-developed paragraph that begins with TAG (title, author, genre), explain the theme
or central idea of the selection, citing textual evidence from selection. Next, discuss how
Koza’s statement is related to the message the author is conveying. Use specific details from
the text to support your response
2 answers
letter from Birmingham jail