In the following paragraph where are the linking verbs? And is the punctuation correct?

My Chinese pug, Pooh, is a whole lot of dog in a very compact package. Even though she is only twelve inches tall and weighs just over 18 pounds, she seems to have the impression that she is as big as a Bull Mastiff. When other dogs enter her territory Pooh stands at attention with her hind legs out, her eyes bulging and lets loose her most aggressive bark. But in reality Pooh is a very loving and affectionate dog who wouldn’t hurt a flea. The first thing that stands out about Pooh is her massive head with the cutest flat face you will ever see on a dog. Her forehead has deep wrinkles that look like someone placed a thumbprint right dab in the middle and she has a black mask that’s now sprinkled with flecks of gray thanks to her older age. But the most spectacular thing about her face is her large prominent eyes. Pooh’s dark eyes are soft and solicitous and full of fire when she gets excited. When you talk to her she slowly tilts her head to the side and stares up at you in the most quizzical way. It’s as if she is saying; “Are you talking to me?”. Pooh’s ears look like two little buttons that are velvety smooth to the touch. The last thing you would notice about Pooh is her double curled tail. In my opinion Pooh is the cutest dog from her head to her tail.

2 answers

Study this:

Then repost the paragraph with linking verbs indicated by parentheses. Here's the first sentence as an example:
My Chinese pug, Pooh, (is) a whole lot of dog in a very compact package.

You work on that, and I'll check punctuation.
Study the uses of the comma:
Study especially #1, #2, and #3.

I would also rephrase in order to get rid of all the instances of "you" and its forms throughout.