In the development of a rubric, take note of the following information that you need:

1. Type of the rubric to use

2. Performance task to be evaluated

3. Indicators of the performance task

4. Criteria for evaluating student's product or performance

5. Benchmark and point values for each criterion

6. Performance descriptors to indicate the quality of performance

Please use the following template when you make a rubric for assessing a specific performance or output in your class

Learning Outcome: Performance Task:


Exemplary (1)

Accomplished" (3)

Developing (2)

Beginning (1)

*can be changed

1. Examine the different rubrics that you have developed for various performance task that you want assessed. Do they meet the qualities of a good/sound rubric?

2. Do the rubrics need major revisions? If yes, in which aspect of the rubrics?

1 answer

Type of Rubric: Analytic

Performance Task: Writing a persuasive essay

1. Clear thesis statement
2. Logical organization of ideas
3. Use of evidence to support arguments
4. Clarity of writing
5. Convincing conclusion

1. Thesis statement is clear and focused (0-10 points)
2. Ideas are well-organized and flow logically (0-10 points)
3. Evidence is used effectively to support arguments (0-10 points)
4. Writing is clear and easy to understand (0-10 points)
5. Conclusion effectively summarizes arguments and persuades the reader (0-10 points)

Performance Descriptors:
- Exemplary (9-10 points): Thesis statement is clear and well-developed, ideas are organized logically, evidence is compelling and well-integrated, writing is clear and concise, conclusion effectively persuades the reader.
- Accomplished (7-8 points): Thesis statement is clear, ideas are mostly well-organized, evidence supports arguments adequately, writing is mostly clear, conclusion summarizes arguments effectively.
- Developing (5-6 points): Thesis statement is somewhat clear, ideas are somewhat organized, evidence is used but could be stronger, writing is somewhat clear, conclusion needs improvement.
- Beginning (3-4 points): Thesis statement is unclear, ideas are not well-organized, weak use of evidence, writing is unclear, conclusion does not effectively summarize arguments.

After examining the rubric, it appears to meet the qualities of a good rubric as it clearly outlines the criteria for evaluation and provides performance descriptors for each level of performance. However, it may need minor revisions to ensure clarity and consistency in the language used throughout the rubric.