In the context of academic writing, there is a lot more to paraphrasing than simply stating information from a source in your own words, or translating it from another language. It requires a number of steps, executed in a specific order. Place the following sentences in the correct logical sequence to unscramble this step-by-step definition of paraphrasing. Make use of the linking devices in the sentences to assist you.

The first sentence has been completed for you:

Sentence 1: Firstly, you need to identify the section of text in the source that you want to use in your essay.

A. When you are satisfied with the paraphrase, cite the source you used according to the reference style that you use.
B. Ensure that you understand all the words in this chosen section of the text. Make use of a dictionary to assist you.
C. Lastly, compile the complete reference list entry for the source from which you paraphrased, and insert this entry in the reference list (NWU Harvard style, or APA) or bibliography (NWU Faculty of Law house style).
D. The next step is to state the information from the source in your own words and indicate how the information is relevant, important or applicable to the topic.
E. Once you have used your own words, check your paraphrase against the original to ensure that the meaning is the same.

1. Sentence 2

2. Sentence 3

3. Sentence 4

4. Sentence 5

5. Sentence 6

1 answer

1. Firstly, you need to identify the section of text in the source that you want to use in your essay.
2. Ensure that you understand all the words in this chosen section of the text. Make use of a dictionary to assist you.
3. The next step is to state the information from the source in your own words and indicate how the information is relevant, important or applicable to the topic.
4. Once you have used your own words, check your paraphrase against the original to ensure that the meaning is the same.
5. When you are satisfied with the paraphrase, cite the source you used according to the reference style that you use.
6. Lastly, compile the complete reference list entry for the source from which you paraphrased, and insert this entry in the reference list (NWU Harvard style, or APA) or bibliography (NWU Faculty of Law house style).