in the class of 30 leaners 17 plays football 15 leaners plays volleyball, 12 leaners rugby 9 leaners plays volleyball only and 3 leaners plays rugby only.all leaners plays atleast one of three sports.use the venn diagram to find the number of leaners who plays only vollyball and rugby.
3 answers
F = 17
V = 15
R = 9
V only = 9
R only = 3
Then you ask "find the number of leaners who plays only volleyball and rugby."
Wouldn't that be just 12 ????
What am I missing?
btw, what is a leaner ?
The question becomes interesting if you had asked to find all the separate parts of the Venn diagram, (it can be done)
F = 17
V = 15
R = 9
V only = 9
R only = 3
Then you ask "find the number of leaners who plays only volleyball and rugby."
Wouldn't that be just 12 ????
What am I missing?
btw, what is a leaner ?
The question becomes interesting if you had asked to find all the separate parts of the Venn diagram, (it can be done)
I want to know mathematics