In the book "The Alchemist" -by paulo coelho, how did Santiago's character change? And also what about the Englishman & Fatima.
2 answers
help me asap
Never read it, but I found you an overview of the story
Santiago ends up at the oasis on a part of his personal legend. Although he is amazed at what he sees at the oasis, he feels as if he has no purpose for remaining at the oasis, but he ends up benefiting from his time there. He demonstrates that he does not have much of an interest at remaining there and even considers the delay at the oases impacting his quest for his personal legend.
During Santiago’s time at the oases, on can relate it to adult hood. Although Santiago does not want to be at the oases, he stays and soon comes to realize that each challenge he faces on the way to his destination forms part of his plan. He feels as if he has a schedule that he can not control but he accepts it. This concept can be demonstrated in adult hood when adults come to term at accepting their life path. . Santiago then meets Fatima and soon after falls in love and is worried that one day he will have to leave her. He comes to recognize the time as a part of his journey rather than an obstacle, suggesting that fate predestined the delay just as adults discover about different aspects and times in their lives.
Furthermore, once when the characters arrive at the oases, one can begin to notice how the setting has physically and emotionally changes relating to changes that come when entering adulthood. Previously, the plot took place in somewhat in many areas that demonstrate difficult terrain and obstacles that Santiago had to face. This idea can be seen as the stages of growing up such as the different stages of childhood and adolescence when children, teen and young adults face many obstacles in their lives. But now the environment is gentle at the oases, allowing the characters to focus on other concerns demonstration once when once one reaches adulthood, they can settle down and begin to focus on their careers, families and reflect on other aspects of their lives.
Santiago ends up at the oasis on a part of his personal legend. Although he is amazed at what he sees at the oasis, he feels as if he has no purpose for remaining at the oasis, but he ends up benefiting from his time there. He demonstrates that he does not have much of an interest at remaining there and even considers the delay at the oases impacting his quest for his personal legend.
During Santiago’s time at the oases, on can relate it to adult hood. Although Santiago does not want to be at the oases, he stays and soon comes to realize that each challenge he faces on the way to his destination forms part of his plan. He feels as if he has a schedule that he can not control but he accepts it. This concept can be demonstrated in adult hood when adults come to term at accepting their life path. . Santiago then meets Fatima and soon after falls in love and is worried that one day he will have to leave her. He comes to recognize the time as a part of his journey rather than an obstacle, suggesting that fate predestined the delay just as adults discover about different aspects and times in their lives.
Furthermore, once when the characters arrive at the oases, one can begin to notice how the setting has physically and emotionally changes relating to changes that come when entering adulthood. Previously, the plot took place in somewhat in many areas that demonstrate difficult terrain and obstacles that Santiago had to face. This idea can be seen as the stages of growing up such as the different stages of childhood and adolescence when children, teen and young adults face many obstacles in their lives. But now the environment is gentle at the oases, allowing the characters to focus on other concerns demonstration once when once one reaches adulthood, they can settle down and begin to focus on their careers, families and reflect on other aspects of their lives.