In the blank space below, place the reasoning that best connects the evidence to the claim.

American high schools should provide students with time to think quietly on their own each day.

Quote: “The best way to master a field is to work on the task that’s most demanding for you personally. And often the best way to do this is alone” (Susan Cain, The New York Times)

Quote: “People are more creative when they enjoy privacy and freedom from interruption” (Susan Cain, The New York Times)

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Adults working on creative projects should make sure they set aside alone time for themselves everyday.

By making time for students to work alone during the school day, teachers would help young people to more effectively overcome academic challenges.

Students who have time to be alone during the school day can better manage their stress levels.

1 answer

By providing students with time to think quietly on their own each day, American high schools can help foster creativity, mastery of difficult tasks, and stress management in students. This is supported by the evidence provided, which suggests that individuals are more successful in mastering tasks and generating creative ideas when they have privacy and freedom from interruption.