In the article "Fight or Flight- The Evolution of Stress," which quote BEST explains what happens when the dangerous or stressful situation has ended?
"Consequently, you narrowly escape death by leaping higher and running faster than you ever could before. With the danger now over, you find a safe place to lie down and rest your exhausted body."
" Despite the huge amount of technological change in the ensuing 25,000 years, you are walking around with essentially the same set of internal body parts as that of the caveman."
"...your hypothalamus sends a message to your adrenal glands and within seconds, you can run faster, hit harder, see better, hear more acutely, think faster, and jump higher than you could only seconds earlier."
" Luckily for you, millions of years of evolution has endowed you with a set of automatic weapons that take over in the event of an emergency. "
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