It seems like you're asking about the proper placement of citations or references in a specific format (possibly MLA, APA, etc.). Here's a breakdown of where citations are typically found:
In the Acknowledgements section: This section is usually reserved for expressing gratitude rather than citing sources. However, if you have referenced works that significantly supported your research or writing, you could mention them here, even if they aren't formally cited.
On a Works Cited page: This is where you provide full citations for all works referenced in your text. Each source cited in your paper should appear here, formatted according to the required citation style (MLA, APA, etc.).
In apostrophes in the header: Generally, headers in academic papers do not include citations in apostrophes. Instead, headers might include your last name and page number, depending on the style guide.
In quotations in the footer: While footnotes can be used for certain citation styles, they are not common for direct quotations. Instead, direct quotes are typically cited in-text, and additional notes or citations can be added as footnotes if needed.
In parentheses in the text: This is a common method for in-text citations, particularly in styles like MLA and APA. Here, you would include the author's last name and the page number (if applicable) in parentheses right after the quoted or paraphrased text.
If you have a specific guideline or style you are following, please let me know so I can provide more tailored advice!