In terms of kinetic theory explain why tyre should not be over inflated

14 answers

A tyre should not be over- inflated because the air or gas which is being pumped into it will result into a high pressure within the rubber. As a result of this the high pressure in the tyre will become stretched and eventually cracks the side of the tyre. If the pressure is increased the tyre might eventually burst.
A tyre shouldn't be over-inflated because,the inflation of a tyre results in the increase in air molecules or gas molecules.this thereby result to an increase in coliision of the molecules and also pressure in the tyre tube.the pressure increase will eventually lead to the tyre getting burst when stretched.
A tyre shouldn't be over inflated because from the kinetic theory of gases,we'll observe that the cohesions of the gas molecules are partially elastic and too much of gas inflated could lead to too much pressure on the body surface which could in turn burst or tear.
Why a tyre should'nt be over-inflated is that when the air has been pumped in,thd molecules will start to increase in size,thereby hiting the walls of its container,with these actions the tyre get bursted.
why a tyre shouldn't be inflated because the inflation of tyre cause increase in air molecules,so the tyre will increase in collision of the air molecules and the pressure increase will make the to burst when over strectched.
A tyre should not be overinflated is that when air is pumped into the tyre molecules,it will start getting bigger in size there by affecting the walls of its container,and with this,the tyre will get bursted.
A tyre should not be over inflated because the air which is being pumped in it will result into a high pressure with the tyre and the tyre may burst or tear.
A tyre should not be over-inflated according to the kinetic theory because the collision of the gas molecules are perfectly elastic. Hence when the pressure of the air or gas being inflated into the tyre is extremely great or high that the volume of the tyre tube can no longer contain, it enlarges to a certain point when it tears or bursts.
A tyre should not be over inflated because according to the kinetic theory of gas molecule gass molecule are perfectly elastic thereby causing collision of the molecules and as you continue to fill it with air the tyre gets over stretched causing cracks on the wall of the tyre which eventually burst.
It can get blast and may cause a destruction of the tyre because of the high pressure of gas
A tyre should not be over inflated because the tyre may get bursted because of the high pressure of the gas
If a tyre is over inflated,the air molecules in the tube would be increased resulting more collision of the particles with the walls of the tyre.
This increase the pressure of the tyre. If temperature increases, temperature will continuous to increase until the tyre burst.
The kinetic theory of matter states that particles are always in motion colliding with each other and if a gas is collected in a glass jar and the motion is examined it will be in an harphazard way or manner. So when a tyre is over inflated it leads to the increase in the pressure, the air molecules in the tyre and the rate of collision in the tyre the pressure can lead to the tyre getting burst due to stretching and the collision can lead to the bursting of the tyre due to the rate of colliding with the tyre. When a tyre is over inflated it should be reduced as it may cause accident. 7 days of reading chemistry.
Because it gets to fat and gets destroyed by the smallest prick penetration