In T-ball, batters hit a ball that is placed on a T-shaped stand. Batter A hits the ball by swinging the bat from a resting position on his shoulder. Batter B hits the ball with the bat directly behind it. In one or two sentences, create and justify a claim about which batter will likely hit the ball the greater distance.

6 answers

Batter A is likely to hit the ball the greater distance because he has more potential energy stored in his body from swinging the bat from a resting position on his shoulder, while Batter B has less potential energy due to hitting the ball directly behind it.
Stop cheating. If you are confused, watch some baseball or softball and compare a regular hit versus a bunt.
bro shut the hell up no one cares just let me and others fail and learn our lesson and learn it the hard way.
@Suzie Q just FYI many people (including myself) come onto this site to double check our answers before we submit them. I don’t answer for anyone else, but if my answer is wrong I like to go back and see why. Yes, there are people that come onto her to cheat, but you can’t do anything about it and if they fail them that’s their loss, not yours. Furthermore, why are YOU here if you are so against cheating? Not that I support it, but there’s a lot of hypocrites that like to come on here and accuse others of cheating while they themselves cheat. So 🤷🏻‍♀️ To each his own.
And by the way by “I don’t answer for anyone else” means that I’m not speaking on anyone else’s behalf, since our motives are unique to ourselves.
WoW you got cooked on boi