in spanish; i prefer going outside during the summer season. it's really cold now though and I have to wear a jacket when going outside. the snow is really pretty during the winter season though.
3 answers
Prefiero salir durante la temporada de verano. Ahora hace mucho frío y tengo que usar una chaqueta cuando salgo afuera. Aunque la nieve es muy bonita durante la temporada de invierno.
how would i pronounce this
peh-ree-eh-ro soh-leer dee-toor-goh du-ran-te la teh-m-por-rah-dah deh veh-ra-no. ah-oh-rah ah-seh moo-choh kree-oh e too-nee-eh-ro kwan-doh sah-lyoh ah-fee-deh-rah. awn-keh lah nyeh-bay ehs muy boh-nee-tah doo-rahn-te la teh-m-por-rah-dah deh een-vee-ehr-noh.