Btw questions 1-12 are:
What male reproductive part includes the anther and the filament? (1 point)
the stamen
What needs to move from the stamen to the pistil of a plant for a flower to reproduce? (1 point)
Which list gives the complete path for pollen as it fertilizes a plant? (1 point)
anther - stigma - style - ovary
What commonality do all flowering plants share with all nonflowering plants? (1 point)
the necessary structures for sexual reproduction
In what phase do mosses spend most of their life cycle? (1 point)
A shop owner wants to make large scented pine cones for the holidays. If he wants the larger cones from a pine, which cones does he want? (1 point)
the female cones
Which example best illustrates flower-pollinator coevolution?(1 point)
Bees carry pollen grains from flower to flower.
Animals can help plants reproduce in a variety of ways. Which behavior can end up being more harmful than helpful?(1 point)
Iguanas and tortoises eat leaves, fruits, and flowers, relying on each as important seasonal food sources.
What is the difference between courtship behavior and territorial behavior? (1 point)
Courtship behavior is used to attract a mate, and territorial behavior is used to protect an area in which an animal lives.
Coevolution can be seen between some plants and animals, like the yucca plant and the yucca moth. The flowers are shaped specifically so that only the tiny moth can pollinate them.
If the yucca moth goes extinct due to climate change or other human-generated factors, what would be the likely outcome for the yucca plant?
(1 point)
The yucca plant would also go extinct.
A student is analyzing data that compare the change in the total number of wading bird nests in the Everglades to the change in rainfall. Wading birds feed primarily on fish. Fewer nests were observed in dry years than wet years.
What is a reasonable inference about the relationship between wading bird reproductive success and water depth in the Everglades?
(1 point)
Water depth likely affects wading birds’ access to food and thus affects wading birds’ reproductive success.
What is a difference between how ants and elephants primarily use grouping for survival? (1 point)
Ants use grouping for cooperation, and elephants use grouping for protection of the young.
In some species of birds, mothers lay their eggs in the nests of other females. This is called brood parasitism. Sometimes, the nesting female recognizes the other bird’s egg or chick, and other times, she doesn’t. In three to five sentences, explain how parasitic behavior may affect the reproductive success of parasitic and nesting females. (4 points)
5 answers
13-15 answers:
Bees are common pollinators, and many commercially grown crops that we eat depend on bee pollination. Bees’ eyesight allows them to be such successful pollinators. They have two sets of eyes. At the top of their heads, bees have three smaller eyes (called ocelli) that help them discern light intensity, maintain stability, and navigate. They also have two large compound eyes that detect movement. Bees can see ultraviolet (UV) light with their ocelli. Thus, vibrant ultraviolet colors and patterns in flower petals are visible to bees but invisible to us. These pigments often direct the bee to specific parts of the flower (e.g., the flower’s center). Additionally, their remarkable eyesight allows them to visualize objects at high speeds. For example, while you might see a blur of color if you quickly drove past a meadow, a bee could easily visualize individual flowers in the meadow without reducing its flight speed.
Given this information, consider why these characteristics may have evolved in the bee. In three to five sentences, describe these factors:
how one of these characteristics would benefit the bee
how one of these characteristics would benefit the flower or crop
(4 points)
(Change the wording) Whenever the bee collects pollen from the flower, the bee also helps increase the flowers chances for pollination.
In some species of birds, mothers lay their eggs in the nests of other females. This is called brood parasitism. Sometimes, the nesting female recognizes the other bird’s egg or chick, and other times, she doesn’t. In three to five sentences, explain how parasitic behavior may affect the reproductive success of parasitic and nesting females. (4 points)
(Change the wording) It can affect the reproduction success of parasitic and nesting females because the eggs would eliminate the other eggs in the nest. When the parasite eggs hatch, the eggs in that nest would kick them out of the nest causing the reproduction to be unsuccessful. The egg that hatched would take over the nest.
(Change the wording) Animals like lions, hyenas, ect. can track down their prey putting the cheetah and the cheetah's cub in danger.
13-15 answers:
Bees are common pollinators, and many commercially grown crops that we eat depend on bee pollination. Bees’ eyesight allows them to be such successful pollinators. They have two sets of eyes. At the top of their heads, bees have three smaller eyes (called ocelli) that help them discern light intensity, maintain stability, and navigate. They also have two large compound eyes that detect movement. Bees can see ultraviolet (UV) light with their ocelli. Thus, vibrant ultraviolet colors and patterns in flower petals are visible to bees but invisible to us. These pigments often direct the bee to specific parts of the flower (e.g., the flower’s center). Additionally, their remarkable eyesight allows them to visualize objects at high speeds. For example, while you might see a blur of color if you quickly drove past a meadow, a bee could easily visualize individual flowers in the meadow without reducing its flight speed.
Given this information, consider why these characteristics may have evolved in the bee. In three to five sentences, describe these factors:
how one of these characteristics would benefit the bee
how one of these characteristics would benefit the flower or crop
(4 points)
(Change the wording) Whenever the bee collects pollen from the flower, the bee also helps increase the flowers chances for pollination.
In some species of birds, mothers lay their eggs in the nests of other females. This is called brood parasitism. Sometimes, the nesting female recognizes the other bird’s egg or chick, and other times, she doesn’t. In three to five sentences, explain how parasitic behavior may affect the reproductive success of parasitic and nesting females. (4 points)
(Change the wording) It can affect the reproduction success of parasitic and nesting females because the eggs would eliminate the other eggs in the nest. When the parasite eggs hatch, the eggs in that nest would kick them out of the nest causing the reproduction to be unsuccessful. The egg that hatched would take over the nest.
(Change the wording) Animals like lions, hyenas, ect. can track down their prey putting the cheetah and the cheetah's cub in danger.
CORRECTIONG FOR 13: Whenever the bee collects pollen from the flower, the bee also helps increase the flowers chances for pollination. Flowers need pollination to create seeds and reproduce. Bees need the pollen to make honey and feast off of it.
SO SORRY NUBMER 7 IS ACTUALLY: Hummingbirds use long beaks to collect nectar from tubular flowers.