In school I am writing a report on a dog called Min-Pei. I cant seem to find any info.

Thank You

Thank you for using the Jiskha Homework Help Forum. Why are you writing on the Min-Pei? It is only listed as "rarebreed" list and I couldn't even find a photograph of one! Apparently it is not one of the breeds on the American Kennel Club (AKC) list either.

May I suggest you select another dog or if it was selected FOR you, have that person select another that would have information.

thank you

You might want to check with a local veterinarian or let the person who assigned this breed to you that you prefer another kind of dog.

I just spent the last 10 minutes clicking through google. It's a rare breed, but all the websites I kept looking at produced absolutely no information other than the name.

I would try contacting a vet or dog breeder in your area and just asking if they can tell you where to find more information on them.

Other than that, you might want to also try a website like

Where you can discuss your dogs. Just google "dog forums" for a long list of places.

Good luck. And if you find out anything, I would love to know more about it.


try the library a book on rare oriental breeds