“In Roman times, a general named Hannibal had crossed the Alps and invaded the Roman homeland, winning battle after battle. The Romans turned to a man named Fabius Maximus, and named him dictator. Fabius, recognizing the military genius and ability of Hannibal and his troops, decided to avoid fighting an open battle; instead, he burned crops and shelters and attacked supply lines, forcing Hannibal to constantly seek for him…but never to find him…”

The so-called Fabian Strategy might have served as a military inspiration to ____________.

William Cornwallis

George Washington

Benedict Arnold

Thomas Gage

George Washington??

7 answers


What does your text say?
ms. sue I did and im still confused how would I find the answer?
Which one of those men burned crops?
Ms. Sue Fabius burned crops instead of battling
Yes. But which of those Americans burned crops?
Ms. Sue its George Washington!!
Thank you. I was wrong. Sorry,