in regards to the Miranda rights are there still any unresolved issues regarding suspect rights that the Supreme Court will need to address in the future

7 answers

You may find something in this article.
I went there. However, I can not use that as a reference in my paper. I can find a lot of information but my main problem is finding the information that can be used in a college paper
At the bottom of nearly all Wikipedia pages, there are bibliographies and external references. Check them out and use any that are appropriate.
Did you try the external links and further reading suggestions at the bottom of the article?

Also check out these sites.
Yes there are some issues
If you are in college go to the university library and ask a reference librarian. They are wonderful ad will teach you how to do research correctly. In the mean time, go to Google Scholar and type in Miranda Rights in the first field and supreme court in the second field.

After minimal effort I found this document that you may find helpful. Here is the MLA citation for it:

KINPORTS, KIT. "The Supreme Court's Love-Hate Relationship With Miranda." Journal Of Criminal Law & Criminology 101.2 (2011): 375-440. Academic Search Complete. Web. 17 Sept. 2013.