In project 3, you are going to add UART, and ADC interface to your project 2.
1. The Potentiometer (R6) and the temperature sensor (U4) on Explorer 16 board will be read, converted and processed. And the values (pot voltage and temperature in centrigrade) will be sent out through UART2 and will be displayed on a terminal program (Putty/TeraTerm, running in your PC). The UART2 will be running at 9600 baud rate.
2. The RUN LED from project 2 is running as before.
Project 2
Write an application (in C) on Explorer 16 which does the following:
1. Make the RUN LED(D10) toggle at every 3.5 Seconds (exact) interval using one of the Timer (Timer 1) module of the Microcontroller.
2. The Knight Rider pattern now consists of 7 LEDs (D9-D3). If the switch (S3) is open, the pattern is from Left to Right direction. If the switch (S3) is closed, the pattern is from Right to Left direction.
3. Repeat the whole process in an infinite way.
Write one paragraph of Critical Observation/Thinking for project 3. Use the info above.
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