In November of 1978, 913 people out of 1,100 people committed suicide in Guyana in a settlement called Jonestown. This settlement was ruled by a person named Jim Jones. He held psychological control of the inhabitants.

If Jim Jones was profiled before Senator Leo Ryan and members of his party were killed, would there have been such an incident?

2 answers

Even if Jim Jones were profiled before Senator Ryan was killed, as far as I know Jones had not committed any crime. Who would have stopped him from encouraging the mass suicides? How would he have been stopped?
Leo Ryan was not a Senator. Jim Jones was a sociopath by any account. Leo Ryan expected trouble when he left, and even wrote his last will and stuck it in his desk before he left.
Ryan no doubt was ill advised by the Dept of State on the potential for violence. Who knows if Ryan would have went anyway. What iced the ending is that Ryan was taking with him "defectors" on the plane, and for a sociopathic mind, this is not allowed, there is no turning back.
What is really galling to me is the number of politicians in California that had facilitated Jones rise, and had done it for political expediency. If anyone of those gutless folks (God rest the soul of those dead) had said no, this tragedy probably would have never developed.

Jones assertions of CIA and FBI meddling are without foundation.

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