In North Carolina, demand for fresh water has increased dramatically. One of the main reasons for this is increased water use for agriculture. Respond to the following in 3–5 sentences:
Relate one effect of agricultural water use on North Carolina's river basins.
Relate one conservation strategy that would reduce the effect of agricultural practices on water quality.
2 answers
I don't believe this question wants OUR thoughts. The teachers want your thoughts. So read the material, put your thoughts down and someone here will critique your answers.
In North Carolina, demand for fresh water has increased dramatically. One of the main reasons for this is increased water use for agriculture. Respond to the following in 3–5 sentences:
Relate one effect of agricultural water use on North Carolina's river basins.
Relate one conservation strategy that would reduce the effect of agricultural practices on water quality.
Relate one effect of agricultural water use on North Carolina's river basins.
Relate one conservation strategy that would reduce the effect of agricultural practices on water quality.